Thursday, January 30, 2020

Week 2 Blog Post

Cruise Ship Coronavirus Scare

If you haven't already heard there has been a new deadly virus that has come from China, known as the Coronavirus. Symptoms that have been associated with this virus are fever, coughing and shortness of breath. There have been videos online of people just dropping dead from this virus. It is highly contagious and as of now they do not have a cure. It has been said that certain animals carry this virus and it has now spread to people. News broke today that a Mediterranean cruise ship that has 7,000 people on it have been held on the ship because of a passenger with coronavirus symptoms. The woman is 54 years old and was put in isolation on the cruise ship. The worst part of this is that if the woman is found to have the coronavirus then everyone on the ship can be quarantined for two weeks. It is very important that they are taking this seriously as the virus has already killed 170 people. 

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