Our Relationship with Technology - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
I do believe that everyone today has a relationship with technology. I also believe that everyone has a good and a bad relationship with it. Most of the time I would like to think I have a healthy relationship with technology. Although, there are sometimes I find myself scrolling through Instagram comparing myself and my life to other influencers or celebrities. I recognize this to be one of the unhealthy sides of technology. The only good thing is that I have recognized this to be unhealthy and stop myself when I find myself doing that. Unfortunately, not everyone can take themselves away from the unhealthy sides of technology. From technology there has been cyberbullying which has resulted in people taking their own lives. When doing some research I found that 34% of students will experience cyberbullying and that 18% of the youth report having self-harmed themselves at least once because of this. This is unfortunately a big downside to the mass amounts of technology we have these days and people not using it for good. This is something I worry about with technology only getting more advanced and one day I will have to protect my children from these things.
There is also a lot of amazing things that come from technology. A lot of these things I have been realizing during this quarantine. I think it is amazing we have programs like Zoom that allow us to learn at home in a time like this. If this quarantine were to occur when I was younger and in school I would not be able to do school at home. I think it is crazy how much technology has changed in just a few years. I also think technology continues to inform me in so many ways. I am writing a paper for my media law and ethics class on cyberbullying and I am learning so much from the internet. I have access to so many articles. I would not be able to walk in to a library and have access to that amount of articles at the tip of my fingers. These are the things that make me grateful for technology and the good it does bring to us. Being able to talk and see my friends online while we have been in isolation for over six weeks now is also a plus. Thank you technology!
Everyone has different experiences with technology. Some use it too much, some find themselves getting caught up in the unrealistic side that celebrities show online, some use it as a platform to attack others and some solely use it just to learn. I think everyone needs to work on limiting their time online and staying away from anything that can be harmful. I know it can be hard but if you don't let things tempt you and stick to only finding the good in technology it can only benefit you. I can't wait to see how much further we will come with technology in the next years and all the exciting things it will continue to bring us!
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