Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 11: Values of Free Expression

The Values of Free Expression

Of the eight values of free expression the one that stuck out to me was number three, stable change. Stable change states, "it has been suggested that a society in which angry and alienated citizens are allowed to speak their mind, or "vent", will be more stable, as people will be less likely to resort to violence. It has also been pointed out that allowing the alienated and disconnected to speak freely enables government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who would otherwise act more clandestinely. Ultimately, it is in the government’s own self-interest to allow such venting". This one stuck out to me because I agree that if someone is angry with something and is allowed to speak their mind it can then prevent violence or any other forms of acting out. When people are allowed to speak freely it is then easier to differentiate who is able to calmly speak freely and who is going to act out. I also like this speech theory because it will always be relevant. It was as relevant back then as it is now.

Another speech theory that stuck out to me is the market place of ideas, also known as the discovery of truth. This idea was first mentioned by John Milton and it is also something I was introduced to in my marketing classes. I like how it is something that is relatable to multiple things. For example, this is something we used in Marketing and now I am using it again in Com Law. In case you aren’t sure the exact definition of this speech theory this is what it is, “the market place of ideas holds that the truth will emerge from the competition of ideas in free, transparent public disclosure and concludes that ideas and ideologies will be culled according to their superiority or inferiority and widespread acceptance among the population”. I like this concept because it is basically saying that in a market place of ideas we use competition to judge truth and adequacy. When doing some research on this speech theory I found that it said from this speech theory it “condemns censorship and encourages the free flow of ideas as a way of viewing the First Amendment”.

Between these two speech theories that I picked I would have to say the one I like most would be the market place of ideas (the discovery of truth).

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